Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tyler's Work of Art

I've been meaning to post this for awhile....but....a few months ago, we had a black "Sharpie" laying out for a poster Mason was making for school, as he was the STAR of the week. Tyler went to town up and down the stairway and I about had a heart attack! Easy Fix though with primer and paint! Gotta love the marks, or should I say the memories, they leave behind.


Lyle and Jaime said...

Oh, your beautiful new house! They made it feel like home huh! I'm glad you got it all fixed up. What a cutie that little Tyler is!!!!

The Wageman Clan said...

That makes me laugh! I'm sure you about died. I saw your comment & I'm so glad we have a way to keep in touch. Hope all is going well in I.F.

Erika Heymann said...

Oooooooh!!:):):) Braver Tyler!!:):)
Ich könnte mich totlachen!:)
Als Nina klein war, sagten wir ihr, dass sie keine Wände anmalen dürfe. Von Fußleisten hatten wir nichts gesagt. Eines Tages waren unsere Fußleisten bunt, statt weiß:).
Kinder machen Spaß!!:)
Nur Mut!!:)
Alles Liebe Erika Heymann

Strupp Family said...

That REALLY sucks. I know I have plenty more things like that in store for me. I hope I gain more patience :)

tyson harris said...


Cory B. showed me your blog spot. Congrats on the new little one. You have quite the little family. Tyler is qiute the artist. Trust me been there done that. I love magic erasers. Tell Karen hi for me.


Natalie said...

Oh Karen! Lucky for Tyler you're the only Mom I know that wouldn't have chased your kid around the house with the spanking spoon! Should this ever happen again, try Mr. Clean Magic Erasers!! (It has to be the name brand ones but they are AMAZING!! Seriously, they have saved Brittanie more than once. I wish I could help with your friends and family link issue but I'm not "tech" savy like that. Our blog is easiest to find by typing in Scott's name in google. E-mail me if you have trouble finding it! You are such an adorable girl and I can't believe in just a few days you will be as old as ME! You're superwoman Karen and you always amaze me with all that you do. I hope you have a most spectacular day!

Esther Ogden said...

You are such a good mom, Karen! Way to cherish those memories! =)