Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Halloween 2007

What a crazy day! Nick turned 33 and was working in the intensive care unit all day so we surpised him with a visit and brought a pumpkin cake, balloon, & a couple of presents. He gets to go to the Van Halen concert in Phoenix the day after Thanksgiving for his birthday. He cannont wait.

Mason had a Halloween parade at school so he wore his costume to Kindergarten. It was a fun little parade. That night we went to trunk or treat at the church and then Mason went trick or treating with our neighbor.

Mason was captain Jack Sparrow, Tyler was Tyler, and Katelyn was a Sugar Plum Fairy. Tyler refused to wear a costume...hopefully next year. He would have been Superman or a Power Ranger.


Andrea said...

Karen, Congratulations on baby #4! Your kids are so dang cute! I am so glad you started a blog, I wish everyone had one...I am not the best at keeping in touch with everyone so this helps!

Emily J. said...

Karen, Wow four kids. It seems like you just had Mason yesterday as we were all scrambling to finish hygiene. I guess we have a common acquaintance since I found your blog. I am so excited I found you and Hailey in one day. If you are interested I have Kims blog and I can send you an invite to mine. Send me an email to Hope all is well. We are at Ohio State where Ben is in his third year of dental school. We are almost done.Yeah!!!

Emily Johnson